Dip - Chest

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps

Beginner Chest Strength Dipping Bars Push Gym

Purpose: This exercise the action of the pecs pulling across the chest, especially focused on the middle pecs.

Benefits: This exercise isolates the section of the pecs along the sternum.

Position yourself on the dipping bars. Your elbows are straight and your body must be hunched forward with your head down. This is your starting position. Slowly lower yourself with your elbows out to the side. Keep your head down and your body hunched forward. You should feel a stretch in your chest. Inhale during this movement. Pause briefly. Push back up, while straightening your elbows, to the starting position. Maintain the hunched forward posture with your head down. Exhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The chest is composed of the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec Major attaches to the upper arm and pulls the upper arm across the chest. The Pec Minor lies mostly underneath the Pec Major and draws the shoulder blade down and forward.

Step 1

Position yourself on the dipping bars, elbows straight, your body hunched forward, your head down.


Position yourself on the dipping bars. Your elbows are straight and your body must be hunched forward with your head down. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Slowly lower yourself with your elbows out to the sides.


Slowly lower yourself with your elbows out to the side. Keep your head down and your body hunched forward. You should feel a stretch in your chest. Inhale during this movement. Pause briefly.

Step 3

Push back up, while straightening your elbows, to the starting position.


Push back up, while straightening your elbows, to the starting position. Maintain the hunched forward posture with your head down. Exhale during this movement.